Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Sparseness of Our Speech

So, not too much going on. Went to my first party here in Massachusetts last Thursday night. Had a pretty good time: tried Anheuser-Busch's new American Ale (it really is pretty good, reminds me of Yeungling), whipped some ass at beer pong, had some undergrad girl point out my grey hairs, and talked some drunken philosophy. Not a bad night at all.

On another note, I think that I have found an additional angle to my Philosophy of Imagination paper. I have slightly re-aligned my thesis into an exploration of the formation of ethics in the imagination. I am still going to start my paper with a new analysis of the Cain and Abel myth, but I think that I am going to make Jean-Luc Nancy's philosophy from Being Singular Plural. In this book he takes Heidegger's Da-sein one step further and insists that being is always already a mit-sein, a being-with: to be is to relate. So, it seems at even the most primordial reckoning of existence we are thrust into an ethical sphere. If to be is to be with, then to exist is to relate, and relationships demand an ethic. So, yeah, here's to the equiprimordial notions of being and ethics.

Also, I think that I may have found some fertile ground in one of Heraclitus' Fragment 92 for my Plato paper. I just hope that I can turn these ideas and notions into a cohesive twenty-page paper.

Here is a website that I have found humorous and somewhat accurate and makes for good light reading: Stuff White People Like

Here is the next section of the "the mental traveller" by Blake:

She binds iron thorns around his head,
And pierces both his hands and feet,
And cuts his heart out of his side
To make it feel both cold & heat.

Her fingers number every nerve
Just as a miser counts his gold;
She lives upon his shrieks and cries—
And she grows young as he grows old,

Till he becomes a bleeding youth
And she becomes a virgin bright;
Then he rends up his manacles
And pins her down for his delight.


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